Right Man For the Job: Tips in Hiring Hillside Retaining Wall Contractors

Retaining walls on hillsides do not only protect your property, but it makes your property aesthetically pleasant to look at. Successfully constructed Hillside retaining walls have many practical benefits. Retaining walls can prevent erosion, flood, sinkholes, and dirt piles at the edge of the hill. It can also prevent further damage to structures built. Property owners want to hire professional and licensed contractor even when they have to spend money. Who doesn’t want to get their money’s worth? This article explains some tips on how to choose the right hillside retaining wall contractors for your project.

It is not always sure that you would be working with the best contractor, but it is best to keep these tips in mind so that you’ll have higher chances of working with contractors who are skilled, hardworking and trustworthy:

Put the Agreement on Paper

You have to create a contract that mentions the specific details of the construction. The deal should be signed by you and the contractor who will be working on the hillside retaining walls. If there are adjustments during the project, make sure to acquire a change order and let it be signed by the contractor as well. The change order includes information regarding further improvements on your retaining wall. As a homeowner, you should keep a copy of all signed contracts and change order agreement.

Learn More About the Background of Hillside Retaining Wall Contractors

With the increased competition in the construction market, many contractors provide a free estimate or even offer lower cost of services for building your retaining walls. If you’re planning to have a hillside retaining wall that is higher than three feet tall, you should hire hillside retaining wall contractors with more than ten years of experience. Find supporting details like client reviews from their social media accounts or if you really want to delve into the work ethics of the person you want to work with, you can visit the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) to know if the contractor’s license is active or if he or she has had history of complaints.

Make Sure That the Construction of the Retaining Wall is Insured

Insurance is essential for the main reason that you don’t want to be held accountable for any damage done by the contractor. Furthermore, you don’t want to spend more to repair such damages. You have to acquire a copy of the general liability certificate and call the insurance company if the contractor’s work is insured. You might still be hiring a contractor without insurance as they offer cheap services but keep in mind that the construction of the hillside retaining wall is at risk. Insurance is not the only thing that matters but also warranty. Know the specific coverage of the warranty and make sure to put it on a written agreement.

Deposits Should Be Made After the Delivery of Materials

Some homeowners would give the deposit or the down payment when the contractor tells the client regarding the materials. Some contractors would ask them to pay for the materials up front. An honest contractor will agree to your conditions especially when you ask for the elements to be presented first before they receive the deposit. You don’t want to be giving partial payment to the contractor who would only disappear the next day.

Any work on your property should be in the hands of professional craftsmen who are passionate about their job. When hiring hillside wall retaining contractors, use your instincts and make an effort to research. Verify the contractor’s licenses, insurance, warranty terms and the specific details of constructing your retaining wall should be stipulated in the contract. Use these tips to guide you in hiring an ideal contractor to build your retaining wall. A hassle-free construction and a beautiful hillside retaining wall to add value to your property would be yours if you’ve chosen the right man for the job.