Why Good Insulation Matters

Good insulation is one of the key components of energy efficiency. A well insulated building reduces heat flow, which leads to a myriad of other benefits including:

  • A comfortable interior with stable temperatures – with no heat loss or cold spots or drafts coming in, your rooms stay cooler in summer and warmer in winter
  • Reduced condensation, which lowers the risk of mold forming, creating a dry, healthier environment for your family
  • Substantial cost savings – good insulation can reduce your heating and cooling costs by 30 to 40%
  • Noise reduction from outdoor traffic, between rooms, and even from windy, hissing drafts
  • Reduced energy use means lower carbon emissions and lower environmental impact

Steady Indoor Temperatures

Properly insulated walls, windows, doors, and other surfaces drastically reduce drafts and heat loss through conduction and convection, allowing you to maintain the desired indoor temperature. Your HVAC system raises and lowers the temperature of the room to a specific setting on a thermostat.

However, drafty doors and windows, poorly insulated walls, and cold spots in the room can cause temperature variations that create discomfort. Cold spots can also cause condensation, which is responsible for forming mold and mildew. Proper insulation can help prevent these effects and increase indoor comfort.

Why Good Insulation Matters

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Proper Insulation Also Increases the Value of Your Home

Many home improvements not only make your home more comfortable, but also make it more attractive to potential homebuyers, giving you a great ROI. Factors such as:

  • Foam or blown insulation in the attic
  • Basement wall insulation
  • Energy efficient doors and windows

Can help to sell your home faster, and at a higher price.

Finding Good Insulation

Once you identify the areas in your home that need better insulation, the next step is choosing the type of insulation that will provide the best performance and value. Common options include polyurethane, cellulose, styrofoam, retrofoam, and fiberglass batting. A contractor can help you choose the right option for your room.

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